Ernesto Enrique Urrea López

About Me

I'm a sixth-semester Electronics Engineering student at Tecnológico de Monterrey, with over three years of academic experience in electronics and embedded software and hardware development.

Over the last 1.5 years, I've been contributing to the student group VANTTec in the research and development of the electronics and embedded systems for an Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) and a Self-Driving Vehicle (SDV).


VantTec: Self-Driving Vehicle, Electronics and Embedded Systems Developer (Mar 2023 - Present)

  • Redesigned the electronic system responsible for controlling the car’s panel and other vehicle indicators.
  • Designed and implemented an electrical protection and fault detection system to detect and report overvoltage, undervoltage, overcurrent and short circuits, to comply with requirements established by the partner company ZF.
  • Proposed and implemented impedance matching corrections to the physical CAN layer to increase maximum transmission speed.
  • Collaborated on a team in the redesign of the vehicle’s electronic system to implement a different CAN topology, using GitHub version control, and the creation of the documentation for the system.
  • Developed an STM32 library for I2C communication with an LTC4151 power monitor, and a ROS2 node that publishes to a topic the data received by the computer via CAN bus of the voltage readings of the battery package.
  • Developed an audio playback system to read a topic and play the corresponding audio on a BT speaker using ROS2.

VantTec: Unmanned Surface Vehicle, Electronic and Embedded Systems Team Leader (Aug 2022 - Present)

  • Designed the control system for the actuators of a ball shooting system for an Unmanned Surface Vehicle.
  • Conducted tests to determine the power and energy consumption of the motors and actuators present in the system.
  • Planned a power supply and conversion system that meets the power and energy requirements of the system.

Electraton, Hardware and Software Developer (Sep 2023 - Present)

  • Designed and implemented the graphical interface of a real-time visualization system for the pilot of the data obtained through telemetry during the race.

Magnetic Levitator (Fall 2023)

  • Planned and started construction of a magnetic levitator in collaboration with ITESM professors and researchers.
  • Modified the original circuit to implement an ATmega328P based digital controller as well as analog sensor reading.
  • Designed and implemented the sensor reading software and the discrete PID controller for the electromagnet.
  • Implemented the isolation and commutation circuit to control the electromagnet with a digital low power input.
  • Applied unit and integration testing to ensure the correct functioning of the system.

Workshop on Batteries and Electric Vehicles by Keysight (Oct 2023)

  • Participated in a one-day workshop on battery charge and discharge profile emulation and capture, as well as measurement and emulation of communication protocols between electric vehicles and chargers as part of the International Symposium on Electromobility (ISEM) 2023.

CBTIS 230 Robotics Team, Hardware and Software Developer (Feb 2019 - Jul 2021)

  • Led the 6-member team in charge of the design and initial development of a prototype guidance system for rehabilitation centers based on light signals.
  • Desiged and developed the prototype's hardware and software for the controller, path selection algorithm and the Windows application.

Relevant Coursework

Vehicle Lighting RGB LED calibration system in collaboration with Plastic Omnium (Fall 2023)

  • Designed, in collaboration with Plastic Omnium, a color calibration system for RGB LED used in automotive lighting, based on a PIC18 MCU, to compensate for manufacturing differences by artificially matching color values using PWM.
  • Designed, as a 3-member team, the hardware, and C software, for color sensor reading, as well as the calibration algorithm.
  • Carried out unit and integration tests to ensure that the system worked as expected, resulting in a calibration error of less than 2% and a system resistant to large variations in the operating environmental conditions.

Self-Balancing Robot (Fall 2023)

  • Developed a self-balancing robot using telemetry and a PID controller to maintain stability on two wheels.
  • Designed and tested, as a 3-member team, the hardware, as well as the control system in C++ for reading an IMU and controlling stepper motors. Implemented the system on a ESP32-based development board.

Liquid Crystal Display Controller using an DE10-Lite FPGA (Fall 2023)

  • Designed, as a 3-member team, a controller for a 16x2 LCD, based on a DE10-Lite FPGA programmed using VHDL.
  • Designed and implemented a finite state machine controller to display predefined messages on an LCD based on received digital inputs.

Power Factor Correction System in collaboration with Ahorro y Calidad de Energía Eléctrica (Spring 2023)

  • Designed, in collaboration with Ahorro y Calidad de Energía Eléctrica a capacitor bank selection system for power factor correction.
  • Simulated and implemented the correction system using MATLAB.
  • Carried out experimental verification obtained through two laboratory evaluation tests, resulting in less than 0.3% and 1% error.

Audio Amplifier using BJT and 12V symmetrical linear power supply (Spring 2023)

  • Designed, as a 3-member team, a BJT-based multi-stage audio amplifier, LTspice simulation and PCB design in KiCad.
  • Designed a symmetrical linear power supply, with overcurrent protection and an output filter stage to comply with established regulations.
  • Carried out simulations of the circuit using LTspice.
  • Designed a PCB using KiCad and assembled it by hand.

Semiautomatic Garage Door Model (Mar 2020)

  • Designed and built a semiautomatic garage door model using relays and ladder diagrams.

Model for the Electrical Installation of a House (May 2019)

  • Designed and constructed an electrical installation model for a house.

Linear Regulation Variable Power Supply (Mar 2019)

  • Designed and constructed a linear regulation power supply with a variable output.

Technical Skills

  • Programming Languages: C, C++, Assembly, Python, MATLAB, Java, HTML, CSS.
  • Hardware Description Languages: VHDL.
  • Microcontroller & development board programming: STM32, PIC16/PIC18, AVR, Arduino, Nucleo, Teensy, ESP32.
  • IDE & Code Editors: Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, PyCharm, STM32CubeIDE, Arduino IDE, MPLAB, Quartus.
  • Tools: KiCad, EasyEDA, NI Multisim, LTspice, Proteus, SolidWorks, Ubuntu, ROS/ROS2, Simulink, Minitab.
  • Laboratory Instrumentation: multimeter, oscilloscope, function generator, power supply.


Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey (Aug 2021 – Expected: Jul 2025)

  Monterrey, Nuevo León, México

  B.S. in Electronics Engineering, GPA: 3.91

   Recognition "Best Averages from the School of Engineering and Sciences, Monterrey Campus, 2021-2022"

Centro de Bachillerato Tecnológico, Industrial y de Servicios Número 230 (Aug 2018 – Jul 2021)

  La Paz, Baja California Sur, México

  Technical Career in Electronics, GPA: 4.00

   Highest GPA of generation (2018 – 2021)

   Participation in national stage of the Mexican Mathematics Olympiad (OMM), 2018, 2019, 2020